Saturday, January 29, 2011

Political Churches Not Entitled to a Free Ride

While religion no longer satisfies my spiritual needs, I respect it for the architecture and music it has inspired,  and for the good works of high-minded believers over the centuries.  However, now that a large number of churches have chosen political activism over spiritual leadership, and seem to have abandoned the role that earned them their unique status, the issue of tax exemption must be put back on the table.  Unions, also known to perform good works, do not enjoy tax free status. Companies whose products promote the public interest are equally denied the church’s tax breaks.  Charities perform good works and get tax breaks, but are too mindful of their missions to engage in partisan politics. Why, then, are politically active churches exempted?  This was clearly not the intent of the IRS when it defined “lobbying” as the very activities so many churches pursue. Section 508(c) of the Internal Revenue Code specifically states that churches may not participate in political campaigns.

Law suits and hush-money payments in recent years revealed that the church in America controls vast wealth.  Why any well-heeled political organization should be free of the burden of taxes escapes me, but I will not dispute the rights of those who apolitically employ their riches to succor the less fortunate. Unless, that is, they use that practice to conceal an ulterior motive of promoting an enraptured form of social activism.

Thanks to cover provided by the party that has found ways to exploit the church’s social agenda for sure votes, the institution continues to go unchallenged while  thumbing its nose at the laws of the United States. Are we serving the national interest by allowing the electorate to be bullied by those who deem their values superior to ours?  Those whose passion for politics exceeds their passion for Christ have forfeited their right to a perpetual free ride. Campaign if you must, but pay for the privilege like the rest of us sinners.

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